Friday, July 18, 2008

Politicians And Face Lift – Taking Care Of The Government’s Image?

I put in a Google search for politicians who had a face lift and quite surprisingly a TV serial in new Zealand called Facelift popped up.

This show is not a plastic surgery based reality show or documentary though and instead is all about a comedy/parody that mimics politicians and celebrities in New Zealand.

Plastic surgery and politicians however are not inseparable, and in more recent years have become bolder in their cosmetic surgery choices.

Take Hillary Clinton, one-time senator in the running for United States president. She is highly speculated to have had a face lift surgery in a major style and image makeover. For a woman, she has been closely observed for her evolution from First Wife to presidential hopeful and aesthetically speaking, she was hardly founds wanting in the looks department.

Senator John Kerry, who lost to George Bush in 2004, is another politician who is believed to have changed for the better from his wrinkly former self thanks to a little help from Botox and a face lift surgery called brow lift surgery.

Further from home, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert too went in for a face lift surgery component like eyelid surgery last year and took a few years off his countenance. His Italian counterpart of a few years before, Silvio Berlusconi too had a similar face surgery.

I for one, think that a government that is concerned about its image has to be more receptive to the country's image. Something about national pride and all that (not 'The Emperor's New Clothes').

Check out if a face lift procedure is something your image is in need of at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Face Lift Update: Johnson & Johnson Enters The Injectable Business

In a first-of-its-kind move, Johnson & Johnson, healthcare equipment and pharmaceuticals manufacturer has entered the dermal filler business and received permission from the FDA to market it.

Its new product Evolence is set to compete with old dermal filler stalwarts like Restylane and Juvederm and according to one spokesperson, could be offered at a similar or higher price than the rest. Another unique move associated with the product is the specialized training program offered by Johnson & Johnson to ensure proper administration.

Dermal fillers, a trusty
face lift alternative, have been around for a long while now and Johnson & Johnson are set up against tough competition from the established brands. One point strongly against it is the use of porcine tendons in its manufacture.

Analysts point out that users prefer laboratory-made material for use as fillers in cosmetic surgery treatments. Additionally, Evolence has the staying power of only 6 months- same as the rest of the dermal fillers in the market.

It remains to be seen how the
plastic surgery industry and patients will receive this new offering. The Plastic Surgery Institute of California, an advanced surgical institute offering face lift surgery and other cosmetic modifications has got its eyes open for Evolence.

Ronnie Wood: Aging Gracefully…Not!

There are some people who will fight tooth and nail to retain their youth- if not emotionally then physically so. One really good example of the latter is Toyah Wilcox, or better even, the much younger Jodie Marsh.

But Ronnie Wood, guitarist for the Rolling Stones definitely falls in the former category. If anyone needs the face lift surgery work the above two ladies have had, then its Ronnie Wood (or the entire RS group for that matter).

The 61-year-old has just got back into rehab for his alcoholism, but not before eloping with a nubile teenager and marrying off his 29-year-old daughter.

Compared to the still sexy 63-year-old Dame Helen Mirren (who, from all accounts, has so far stayed away from a face lift), Ronnie Wood is unfamiliar with the phrase 'aging gracefully'.

But a face lift is not for everybody, as can be seen from Kenny Rogers' (69) botched face lift surgery.

If you are a 60-something and are thinking of a face lift procedure or a face implant to enhance your face, you need a cosmetic surgeon who knows how to enhance an aging face with skill and expertise. Drop by the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for a consult and we will take it from there.

Can You Trust A Nurse For Your Shot Of Botox?

Most of us have encountered a nurse at least once in our life. It could have been when you went to pull out your loose tooth when you were a candy-loving tot or while pacing the waiting room waiting for your child to be delivered.

However much we rely on nurses as a sounding board or a link to doctors and physicians, it is inconceivable to see them assuming these roles. The main reason for this point of view being, they are simply not qualified to carry out angioplasty or a leg amputation.

The nurse's role is primarily an assisting one and when they begin substituting the qualified and certified surgeons they are supposed to assist, it is something to beware.

Plastic Surgery 101 had this frightening picture of a completely unprofessional setup and it immediately brought to my mind something I came across on Injectable Safety.

According to a recent statement made by the group of physicians that are part of this organization, nurses in a cosmetic surgery setup can administer injectable fillers only when they are "under the supervision of a board certified plastic surgeon, facial plastic surgeon, ophthalmic plastic surgeon or dermatologist who has prescribed the injectable treatment appropriate for the patient."

While nurses cannot perform a regular face lift or other plastic surgery procedures, they can be trusted with certain minor treatments like dermal fillers. Check out what Injectable Safety has to say about this.

On the other hand, we do have board certified cosmetic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for the treatment and administration of any cosmetic surgery procedures. Visit us to know more about our policies and procedures on face lift surgery.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Face Your Own Face With Confidence & Face Lift Surgery

If you are like me then the first thing you probably do when you wake up in the morning is glance in the mirror. While on most days my reflection tends to be rather agreeable, there are certainly some days where I simply can't bear to look at myself.

I'm sure all of you would agree with this feeling.

But what if day after day, the image that stares back at you dissatisfies you for some reason or another? It could be a few wrinkles here a droopy, oily nose there, it could be anything.

If you would rather improve this situation you could give some thought to a face lift procedure.

Combine it with treatments like microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, filler treatments, etc. and you could find a fantastic solution to your grief.

Face lift surgery can do wonders for your confidence as well- just like it does for numerous men and women who have a face lift procedure for their professional, personal and social lives.

The cosmetic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California however suggest you take a step towards a face lift surgery because you want it for yourself. Visit us for an appointment at our advanced surgical institute.


The Ugly Fight Against Beauty Booster Botox

Allergan Inc., the manufacturer of the noted injectable known as Botox is in deep trouble.

Earlier this month, a group of Botox users slapped a lawsuit on Allergan Inc. claiming that the injectable injured some and even lead to the death of some users. They claimed that Allergen failed to inform the candidates about these effects and this negligence lead to such situations.

In February this year, the FDA issued a warning about the potential ill-effects of the cosmetic derived from botulinum toxin Type A after noticing debilitating problems among children who were administered with a dose for treating cerebral palsy and spasticity.

Sadly, this could be a bad thing for men and women who turn to Botox cosmetic or Myobloc (similar product) to reduce facial wrinkling and view it as an alternative to a cosmetic surgery like face lift.

The FDA however, is looking into the matter and hopefully will smoothen out things for this injectable. The benefits of Botox are many and varied, the effects ranging from duplicating a face lift surgery's effects (temporarily) to assisting in neurological conditions.

That said it is important to remember that no surgery or cosmetic enhancement is 100 percent safe, anomalies can and have been known to occur. The best plastic surgeons can do is reduce the chances of anything going wrong, like how we do at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Get in touch with our advanced surgical institute to know more about face lift procedures and face implant alternatives.