Monday, June 16, 2008

Face Lift Surgery Paragon – Toyah Wilcox

Toyah Wilcox is still the zany pop-punk princess she was all those years ago (the 80’s especially) and never fails to miss a chance to shock. Unlike many of her glam counterparts, she has not given up on her looks. Neither has she let her plastic surgeon go berserk on her face.

The face lift surgery she had without her husband’s knowledge stands testimony to her makeover and her un-50-like looks. While the tell-tale signs of aging can be seen just lurking around a faint wrinkle, Toyah’s face is far from crinkled with them.

Toyah was responsible for many of the looks which can be seen in pop and punk divas today with her fluorescent hairdos and extreme makeup. Regardless of her flamboyant attitude towards personal enhancement, Wilcox claims her wish for a face lift procedure was planted after Jonathan Ross commented on her looks.

But Toyah is far from being a cosmetic surgery junkie and rather than going ahead with her tummy tuck and breast reduction surgery on her own, this time she says she will get her husband’s approval.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we approve women taking their own decisions when it comes to face lift or any other cosmetic surgery. Consulting your dear ones and taking their suggestions wouldn’t hurt though and would help significantly in the adjustment process post-surgery.

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