Saturday, May 31, 2008

How Good Is Your Botox Knowledge?

When the word botox is mentioned the first things that generally pops to mind is the cosmetic of choice that is a favorite among socialites, housewives and businessmen alike.

When its many benefits were first discovered, early physicians put it to good use to treat eye disorders, spasms in the eyes and neck regions and cranial nerve disorders. Cosmetic surgery today uses botox to treat all these and more areas of the body.

The primary use of botox is for smoothening wrinkles in the facial muscles by paralyzing the muscles in a controlled manner. The ease and speed with which plastic surgeons and cosmetologists administer botox have made it the most popular noninvasive cosmetic procedure.

You can ask your plastic surgeon to administer botox treatments instead of performing face surgery procedures like eyelid surgery and face implants. The effects are short-lived however and call for a repeat if you want to maintain the look.

Face lift surgery doctors today caution patients about botox treatments as recently some cases that displayed adverse effects of botulinum toxin treatments were revealed. Respiratory interference was reported in these cases calling for a review of the cosmetic by the FDA.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we are very much aware of the potential complications that are known to arise out of any cosmetic surgery procedure like face lift surgery. A botox treatment is not just a lunchtime treatment for us, and our attitude towards it is anything but lax.

A Face Lift Surgery To Look Feminine

I came across a very strange article in the Daily Mail yesterday which got me thinking about the hoopla surrounding transgenders and transsexuals.

A former Paratrooper in the British Paratrooper Regiment, Cpt. Ian Hamilton transformed himself into a woman with some select plastic surgery procedures. Today, it is Jan Hamilton who has established herself firmly as a woman in society.

Transgender cosmetic surgery involves painstaking work and a complete transformation of a human being from one gender to another. Cosmetic surgeons have been known to perform such procedures very successfully, but the surgeries are not without risk.

Thailand is considered to be the epicenter of such cosmetic surgery procedures with many transsexuals finding everything from genital surgery to a face lift surgery to eradicate their old gender completely and replace it with a different one.

Since the face is generally perceived to be a reference point for determining the sex of a person, cosmetic surgeons pay special attention during a face lift surgery. Incase of a man it takes considerable effort on part of the surgeon to shave, soften and alter the face to look more feminine.

In case of a female sex change, a face surgery procedure doesn’t involve much work and augmentation is largely depended upon to achieve the appearance of a heavier bone structure.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we listen to the candidate’s wishes first before giving our opinion on any face surgery or other cosmetic surgery. Our consultants are experienced and highly professional and will refer you a plastic surgeon who is equally understanding in outlook. Visit our advanced surgical institute if you need further help.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Face Surgery Loves – Plump Jennifer Hudson

Sex and the City has released in the States people!

While I can’t get over the onslaught of clothes, purses, shoes and food in the movie watching Jennifer Hudson emote is making me sit up and take notice. But I’m not the only one.

When the sex-octave singer bagged the role of Effie in Dreamgirls, she beat 800 actors and dazzled the audiences with her character, making ShoWest name her the “Female Star of Tomorrow” in 2006. With her role as Louise in SATC she brings a younger element to a movie about 40-something characters.

The best thing about Hudson though is her amazing confidence with her body. She may be on the heavier side, but she knows how to wrap up her curves and put her best face forward.

African-American women have a lot going for them look-wise with a skin-tone that includes a range of chocolate-colored shades. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we advise women of African-American ethnicity to enhance their facial features rather than change them to fit Caucasian standards.

Like Hudson, if you have a pleasantly filled face but yet want to go in for a finer look, you can have a buccal fat reduction surgery. You can even go in for a face lift that will work on each part of your face step-by-step.

A face lift surgery is a better alternative though as the cosmetic surgeon can enhance your different facial features gradually and proportionately.

To get fuller cheeks on the other hand, you can ask your surgeon about a fat transfer surgery to aid your face lift. More on this later.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Get Dimples In Your Cheeks When You Smile After Your Face Surgery

Some people are just blessed with cheek dimples that last till after they lose the baby fat while a lot lose theirs soon. A small number have it on a single cheek adding oodles to their facial charm.

A dimple creation face surgery procedure is a great way to acquire dimples the artificial way. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we usually offer this procedure as part of our face lift surgery procedure or any other cosmetic surgery.

Cosmetic surgeons at our advanced surgical institute can create dimples in the cheek in an outpatient surgery that takes less than an hour to perform. But this is for an independent surgery.

When combined with a face lift surgery, the duration is longer and also entails a lengthier recovery period. Getting a cheek dimple creation surgery alongside a face lift surgery however can allow the plastic surgeon to work on the overall appearance of the face.

You can go in for deep prominent dimples like the ones Indian actress Preity Zinta has or tiny ones like Kirsten Dunst (Spiderman fame). Jennifer Garner too has got lovely dimples that would look good against a sleek fine boned face.

For men there is Matthew McConnaughy who can carry dimpled cheeks without looking feminine. Funny man Eddie Murphy too has a nice pair and how can I forget the intelligent almost hollow dimples Johnny Depp flaunts. The choices are fascinating!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pearly Sheen For Your Face – Cosmetic Surgery Help

Lasers have established an indomitable presence in the cosmetic surgery business and have helped plastic surgeons set right everything from hair removal to eyelid surgery and fat reduction.

Cutera’s Pearl Laser is a step forward in cosmetic laser treatments for the face and is a marvelous plastic surgery option for those looking for a less painful facial beauty treatment. The laser is supposed to penetrate deep into the skin of the face surgery candidate and stimulate collagen growth.

This subcutaneous collagen growth allows the facial skin to rise and lends a healthy glow from within the face. The results of laser treatments like the Pearl Laser is facial skin that is visibly blemish-free and recovers from treatment faster and is gentler then the rest of the lasers available.

For a patient who wants help with taking care of wrinkles this cosmetic face lift surgery treatment is remarkable less-invasive. The results however, last for less time than a face lift. The Pearl Laser’s results last for 1-2 months while face lift surgery can last for years.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we offer the very best in advanced face lift surgery and care. Get in touch with our experts for clever ways to get the look while cheating on the discomfort factor.

Cosmetic Face Implant Surgery Fiasco For Australia’s Next Top Model

While the current America’s Next Top Model Whitney Thompson is making waves with her stance on full-figured women, a participant on the Australian leg of the show is creating a hubbub with her cosmetic surgery forays.

Alex Girdwood, 20 and a contestant fighting for the crown on Australia’s Next Top Model had collagen injectables pumped into her lips to make them plumper. When the judges and the panel of experts found out about Alex’s plastic surgery attempts needless to say, they were left shocked.

Says Priscilla Leighton-Clarke, the modeling agent responsible for granting the winner the one-year contract, “My line on cosmetic surgery when it comes to young, beautiful girls is leave it well alone”. She goes on to add, “I would never encourage any of my models to have plastic surgery and none of them do - except for one who is in her 30s”.

A lip augmentation treatment is often offered as an element of face lift surgery procedures and results in lips that are plumper then before. Collagen fillers and silicone lip implants are very popular among those in the beauty and glamour business because of the near-perfect pout that it lends.

Many a photograph has been enhanced through face lift and careful Botox use more than it has been via photoshop. But for an aspiring model who has already got past the selection phase of a tough show like Top Model, it is a sign of the mounting pressure laid on the young for physical perfection.

What are your views on Alex’s decision? Do you think she ought to have had a face surgery procedure like lip augmentation? Let the Plastic Surgery Institute of California know.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Face Lift Surgery Concern No.1 – Unhappiness With The Result

Richard Goode has a first-rate solution for this problem which many face surgery doctors face at one point of time or another in their career (sometimes very often).

Goode, a professor of otolaryngology at Stanford advises his fellow surgeons to simply not operate on such a patient. Of course, the plastic surgeon has to identify such a patient first, he adds.

In his article for the May issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Goode relates the way in which cosmetic face surgery and face lift doctors can do this as well. Check out a brief of his ruminations out here.

We agree with Goode on this point- ‘the key to avoiding the patient with unrealistic expectations, or those with obsessions with imagined physical defects, is to use the initial interview as an effective screening process’. Not surprisingly, many cosmetic surgeons will swear by the effectiveness of this step in the face surgery procedure.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, we have the very best of face lift surgery consultants and cosmetic surgeons to address your cosmetic facial enhancement needs.

And oh, we love to follow up on our patients post-surgery as well. This helps us stay updated on the face lift patient’s recovery progress, especially if the patient had a difficult time during surgery.

Nonetheless, patients need to remember that no plastic surgery procedure can yield 100 percent results. The best results always have realistic expectations attached.

A High Couture Face Lift Surgery Job

Wish Donatella’s face matched her choice of clothing (I’ve never seen her look so ladylike!) at this year’s Cannes Film Festival.

The fashion house Versace has always been one of the more reputed names in the world of high couture. And Donatella as the boss of this multi-million house has definitely been excused for flaunting her flamboyant image over the years.

But the face lift surgery and various body modifications she is believed to have had over the years have always managed to raise eyebrows. From eyelid surgery to a rhinoplasty and a total face lift, she has completely transformed herself from the woman she was when her brother Gianni was alive and in business.

Frequently, face lift surgery is accompanied by other cosmetic surgery procedures as plastic surgeons can get better results. But the key point to remember is that the plastic surgeon doing the job has to be extremely competent with face surgery. This doesn’t seem to be the case in Donatella’s situation.

It wouldn’t hurt to have realistic expectations either.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we closely analyze the potential patient’s facial structures before considering his or her suitability for a face lift surgery or a procedure involving face implants.

Harriet Has Grown Up Into A Face Lift Surgeon’s Dream

Michele Trachtenberg is all woman now and by stepping into Georgina Sparks shoes on Gossip Girl, she means business.

So when I seen her new avatar at the Costume Institute Gala, I was more than pleased to see the transformation from Buffy’s younger sis to style diva. Her facial features have bloomed without losing out on the fresh innocent look she stepped into filmdom with.

I got thinking… a person getting a face lift surgery to get features similar to hers would turn out to be quite a dazzler. Big doe eyes, lush lips, a nice button of a nose, plumped out cheeks, (wow) she has it all!

A face lift surgery would also be able to tighten up a brow that has been sagging due to loose skin. For a peachy-porcelain complexion like Michel’s you can have an additional chemical peel treatment which will skim off the dead skin and bring out skin that’s glowing and fresh. It would be a good way to polish off the plastic surgery procedure (though you can’t do it immediately after).

For a similar cosmetic face lift in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles or Pasadena all you have to do is get in touch with the Plastic Surgery Institute of California. Our advanced surgical institute can discuss your preferences with you on a one-on-one basis and accordingly carry out your preferences.

Book an appointment with us why don’t you…

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Know Your Face Better Before You Have A Face Lift Surgery

Now here’s something interesting.

I came across a back issue of Science Daily today and read a study which claims that small children are more sensitive to the human face than the human body. While they recognize the former right from birth, they do not recognize the latter until they are two-years-old.

Now that would be a right mess to fix if the mom or dad had a facelift surgery or a similar major alteration in facial appearance during this tender age!

During the course of the average human’s life though, the face undergoes a lot of changes. You may look stunning at 28 but you might have been rather dorky when you were 11. All you can do is pray that you have inherited some good genes hiding somewhere in the family tree.

Or else you can have a plastic surgery procedure like face surgery and do some minor (or major) rearranging of your facial appearance. Face lift surgery specialists examine the facial structure of the patient before suggesting any type of modification.

The texture of the patient’s skin, complexion, elasticity levels and severity of wrinkling are face components that play a major role during evaluation for a facelift procedure. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we even provide advice on additional cosmetic surgery which can complement a face lift surgery.

Get in touch with our advanced surgical institute to know more about the possibilities you have.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Why Posh Is Happy Yet Looks Unhappy

This woman has the power to make fashion statements or discard them and is one half of a British power couple known as ‘The Beckhams’. Three strapping lads, a million dollar bank account, an elite friend circle and a fashion label…

… so why does Victoria Beckham aka Posh always look so glum?

The answer may lie in the various face surgery jobs she is rumored to have time and again to preserve that perfectly chiseled look. The 34-year-old Mrs. Beckham, it is believed, spends a tidy sum to keep her lips properly pouty with fillers like Juvéderm and collagen injections.

Her cheeks, it is speculated, have been sculpted through a buccal fat removal procedure which removes unwanted subcutaneous fat and shifts the cheek muscles into the desired contour. This cosmetic surgery procedure is a popular option with people who want to have a face lift surgery that will lighten the volume in the mid-face region.

But however plausible this explanation may be, I refuse to believe that a facelift can influence her facial movements so much as to make her look permanently smirking or wooden. In a recent interview Posh says that it’s just the way she is and that she’s thinking of changing her image now that she is staying in the States.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California really hopes she sticks to this resolution as we think she looks lovely when she flashes her rare smiles.

For cool deals on face lift surgery and face implant surgery get in touch with our advanced surgical institute.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Know A Little More About : Cervicofacial Liposuction

Very less knowledge is related about face liposuction or cervicofacial liposuction (as it is also called). This is a less requested cosmetic surgery procedure as compared to face lift surgery.

The prime motivations for this plastic surgery procedure are usually young people who want to get rid of excessive congenital fat and older people who want to check the signs of aging.

The principles that dictate this face surgery method makes use of liposuction techniques, especially those applicable to localized fat deposits. The plastic surgeon makes use of a device called a cannula to remove fat deposits in the subcutaneous parts of the face.

The remaining facial fat is then manipulated into the desired location and accordingly sculpted by the cosmetic surgeon to conform to the new contours of the face. While this rhytidectomy technique is quite safe, the procedure should be possibly avoided by patients who have had surgery in the facial region before. Even patients who have experienced facial trauma need to be careful.

Discuss with your plastic surgeon all the facets of this combination face surgery. You can get further detailed help at the advanced surgical institute- the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Scarlett’s Trout Pout And Why It’s Going To Get Worse

Two really hot women locking lips is a scene that’s bound to ignite the flames in a red-blooded male’s heart (so I hear). So when the intelligent and innocent Scarlett Johansson and the sexy Latina beauty Penelope Cruz do their thing in Woody Allen’s movie Vicky Cristina Barcelona you know just how much it’s going to be drooled over.

But did Scarlett get some face surgery work done to make the pucker a memorable one? From recent photos that I’ve seen of the South African actress this seems to be the case. If not a lip augmentation surgery, her lips look like they have been in line for a collagen filler treatment.

Lip augmentation is generally a face lift surgery accompaniment and makes use of lip implants made of silicone or injectable fillers for adding volume to the lips of a patient. While this plastic surgery procedure is more common among women, men are not averse to it.

Scarlet may have had that jab to get lips that’ll add some more sizzle to her kissing scenes. And from the diva tantrums she has been throwing for the Cannes Film Festival, it looks like she could do with some help in the popularity department and in keeping that smile in place.

For cosmetic lip augmentation and face lift surgery in Beverly Hills sans any unattractive trout pout trout pouts visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Fewer Scars Thanks To Endoscopic Face Lift Surgery

Traditionally face lift surgery involves some degree of scarring due to the incisions involved. With the endoscopic approach to this cosmetic procedure however, the chances of scarring are reduced considerably.

The endoscopic technique is better suited for those individuals who have less facial tissue. Cosmetic surgeons can work on those parts of the face that require closer attention paid to facial improvement on a smaller scale.

This cosmetic facelift surgery technique utilizes a device called an endoscope which is inserted into the incision to scan the area of surgery. One endoscopic method lifts the facial skin at the hairline level and is referred by plastic surgeons as the superficial facelift.

The other method is the deep lift method where the facial skin is lifted completely and re-imposed on the underlying facial bone. This method allows a tighter placement of the facial skin and takes care of wrinkles in one go.

The endoscope used for this face surgery procedure is minuscule and the incisions are spaced wide enough to insert the probe and the surgical instruments. Due to this the scarring is kept to a minimum.

The results of an endoscopic face lift surgery technique are distinctive and take care of a lot of the annoying signs of aging like wrinkles, sagging tissues and bulging fat deposits.

If you think this procedure could work for you, you can get in touch with the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for further advice.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Faye Dunaway - Hollywood Madame No More?

You turn your head and this is what happens.

Faye Dunaway, foremost proponent of ‘Madamism’ (as coined by, transforms herself with some good ol’ plastic surgery.

The Plastic Surgery Institute of California gives Faye’s makeover a va-va-voom rating. It’s very obvious that she had work on her face done. From the looks of it, she has had a face lift surgery as her forehead looks rather taut.

A face implant surgery using cheek implants could also have contributed to the pleasantly plump cheeks Faye is sporting.

When she was spotted by the world in 2005, she (frankly) looked like a hag. Messy hair, spotty facial skin, beady eyes framed by wrinkly skin and more wrinkles than she could find use for made her look like yesterday’s news.

But zoom back to 2008 and the elegantly polished look she sported at this year’s Cannes Film Festival, and she is very emphatically today’s news and is going to be tomorrow’s news and the day after and the day after that as well!

Cannes is as much of a film festival as it is a marketplace for Hollywood and with Faye’s face lift job making her a looker again, she could be back in business. Too bad she couldn’t do anything about the chiclet teeth though!

Get the right look with a rhytidectomy surgery at our advanced surgical institute. We know how to make use of a face implant to enhance your facial features.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Rhytidectomy Technique - Subperiosteal Facelift

Also known as deep-plane facelift, the subperiosteal rhytidectomy procedure is a development of the traditional face lift cosmetic surgery technique.

Plastic surgeons regard this face surgery technique as something of a gold standard for facial rejuvenation. It certainly curtails the effects of age damaging agents like sun exposure, extreme temperature and unhealthy lifestyle habits superbly.

The subperiosteal rhytidectomy does an especially good job on the middle and lower regions of the face. Recent endoscopic surgery advances have made work on the upper portion of the face possible as well.

This plastic surgery technique currently is the only face lift surgery method to allow the plastic surgeon to redefine the soft tissue and bone structure cohesively. The technique repositions the deep facial tissues layered over the facial bone and can improve the nasolabial crease and fold.

Thinking of facial rejuvenation? Get started at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California- the advanced surgical institute for face lift surgery and other cosmetic surgery procedures.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Getting Less Cheeky – Cheek Reduction And Face Lifts:

If there were a contest for the perfect cheeks, the award would go to Mariah Carey. No two ways about it.

Described as a cross between a Cabbage Patch doll and an anime character, Mariah has got just the right amount of plump in her cheeks to match the rest of her curves. But what if you have cheeks that are too plump and puffed up for your face?

For people who have too much fat mass in their cheeks, a buccal fat removal procedure can be a good option. Referring to the buccal pads located in the cheeks, this cosmetic surgery procedure makes use of face surgery and face liposuction techniques.

In a cheek reduction surgery the buccal fat pads are removed through an incision made inside the mouth. The scars are not visible and are hidden inside the mouth of the patient.

The opposite of this plastic surgery procedure is the cheek implant procedure which can plump up sagging cheeks and add more definition to the facial appearance of the patient. This face lift surgery component procedure is believed to have been made use of by Michael Jackson and his sister LaToya Jackson and even Cher.

If you feel your cheeks are too plump for your face and can use a little de-puffing, you can get in touch with the Plastic Surgery Institute of California. Our advanced surgical institute offers excellent facilities and a trained faculty for face lift surgery procedures.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Aging Sucks Says Cher, Face Lift Surgery Poster Girl:

This deep-throated singer gave us No.1 hits in the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and the 90’s and while her acting career never really took off Cher managed to bag an Academy Award for Best Actress in Moonstruck.

Statuesque Cher however, dislikes aging and thinks it’s terrible for a woman in showbiz to age. She once exclaimed that on asking her 90-year-old grandmother what she wanted for her 90th birthday, the lady promptly replied that she wanted collagen in her lips. Small wonder than that Cher (61) felt justified for getting herself a face lift.

Her loathing for aging reflects in her choice of men as well when she recently admitted to having the hots for Tom Cruise in his Top Gun days. She famously remarked, “As I got older, men my age weren’t interested in me. It’s like they didn’t want to be caught dead with a woman my age. They're on their third family, and they always go for the 25-year-old girl. Once I turned 40, it was the younger guys who were attracted to me.”

Regardless, I feel Cher is one of the classic few singing divas we have to be proud of today (yes, even with her flashy costumes). I just checked out her website for her Las Vegas show dates and she looks simply stunning. Looks like that facelift worked out rather well after all!

Get all your face lift in Los Angeles and face implant in Beverly Hills needs and queries answered at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California. Like Cher, we believe that age 60 is as good a time as any to get a face lift surgery Beverly Hills.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

The Face That Launched A Thousand Ships – Face Lift Surgery Can Make It Possible:

The myth of Helen of Troy is timeless but certainly not less so than its subject- considered a mythological figure by some and believed to be a historical figure by others.

In the days when the gods fought alongside mortal men, she was something of a global beauty (to put it in modern terms). While many wars were fought over her in those days, in present-day Hollywood Helen of Troy has been the subject of a lot of movies.

One of the most memorable of this lot is the fairly recent Troy (2004) which starred the German-origin actress Diane Kruger in the role of Helen of Troy. It was a good choice as it made the world sit up and take notice of this one-time ballerina and model.

Diane is what most people would term, a stunning beauty. Her face is a makeup artists’ delight and to a plastic surgeon specializing in face lift surgery- an absolute study in lines, angles and curves.

High cheekbones compliment sweeping eyes that are framed in a definite brow line. Her lips are not pouty at all but yet manage to convey a certain nascent sensuality. I hope she doesn’t go in for any cosmetic surgery lip augmentation to plump them.

Even in her red carpet appearances, Diane exudes an ethereal elegance that seems to come effortlessly to her. Her latest spotting at the Met’s Costume Institute Gala was in a Chanel that marvelously offset her slender frame.

Wanna know how good is Diane Kruger’s look for your face lift Beverly Hills? The Plastic Surgery Institute of California can help you out.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Face Lift Beverly Hills Scanner - When A Botox Addict Goes Off It:

When you launch your own range of rejuvenating skin cream and call it Time Bomb, it may finally be time to lay the Botox injection at rest. And that’s just what Lulu has done.

As a teen artist, Lulu shot to fame with her rendition of “Shout”. Not many people will have heard about this Scottish singer-songwriter, but Lulu is better known for her preference for age-defying products like Botox.

On the verge of turning 60, Lulu still is in pursuit of beauty but swears that she has lain off cosmetic surgery enhancements like Botox. When asked to let out if she has ever had a plastic surgery procedure, she nods her head in the negative.

But I wonder…

There have been rumors that Lulu has had some cosmetic enhancement. The culprits may well be a face lift surgery or a neck lift. She could very well have thrown in an eyelid surgery as well to get that smooth-eyed look.

Botox alone cannot be the secret of Lulu’s age preservation as she would turn out to be a complete horror by now. Too much Botox jabbed in various parts of the face can make the facial appearance too rigid. A subtle face job like Mariah Carey’s makes good use of injectable fillers (and possibly some face lift thrown in).

Why don’t you have a chat with us at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California if you are thinking of having a face lift or a blepharoplasty? We can help you out.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Things To Consider Before A Brow Lift:

A brow lift is a component of face lift surgery.

It can either be performed individually or alongside a face lift. As a plastic surgery procedure designed to move the brow area upwards, brow lift surgery yields excellent results for the cosmetic surgery patient. Treating frown lines and wrinkles that occur at the junction between the nose and forehead too is possible through this procedure.

The first important step to take before going ahead with a brow lift is choosing a qualified plastic surgeon.

It is advisable to maintain your discretion when checking out a cosmetic surgeon who seems to advertise low prices. There have been instances where such surgeons have been known to cut corners to reduce costs.

Do pay close attention to the plastic surgeon’s accreditation and affiliation as well. While it may not guarantee a perfect outcome, there will be minimized chances of anything going wrong.

Prospective brow lift patients should also make it a point to consult the plastic surgeon before-hand so that they can have a better idea about the face lift surgery.

Potential face lift surgery patients should also be open and honest with the facial plastic surgeon and confide in him any existing medical condition in order to ensure a recovery process that is relatively safe and swift.

For further expert advice and consultations, visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Bring That Youthful Look Back Courtesy Face Lift:

Your face is your most prominent feature. It is one of the first things people notice when they meet you. As we age, the muscles of the neck may weaken due to which our facial skin loosens and wrinkles. Anything that will cause the skin to lose elasticity can hasten this process like sun exposure, weight fluctuations and heredity.

A facelift however, can appropriately address these problems by firming and tightening the facial skin all in one step. It is very effective especially for the lower face. A facelift is a plastic surgery procedure that improves the visible signs of ageing in the face and neck area very effectively.

Choosing a board certified plastic surgeon is of paramount importance for this amazing procedure. The board certified plastic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California strive hard to yield the best results for the face lift surgery procedure by following high standards of safety.

Our goal at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California is to make sure you look in the mirror and feel good about what you see. Visit us today at the advanced surgical institute for expert cosmetic surgery advice and consultation.