Friday, July 18, 2008

Politicians And Face Lift – Taking Care Of The Government’s Image?

I put in a Google search for politicians who had a face lift and quite surprisingly a TV serial in new Zealand called Facelift popped up.

This show is not a plastic surgery based reality show or documentary though and instead is all about a comedy/parody that mimics politicians and celebrities in New Zealand.

Plastic surgery and politicians however are not inseparable, and in more recent years have become bolder in their cosmetic surgery choices.

Take Hillary Clinton, one-time senator in the running for United States president. She is highly speculated to have had a face lift surgery in a major style and image makeover. For a woman, she has been closely observed for her evolution from First Wife to presidential hopeful and aesthetically speaking, she was hardly founds wanting in the looks department.

Senator John Kerry, who lost to George Bush in 2004, is another politician who is believed to have changed for the better from his wrinkly former self thanks to a little help from Botox and a face lift surgery called brow lift surgery.

Further from home, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert too went in for a face lift surgery component like eyelid surgery last year and took a few years off his countenance. His Italian counterpart of a few years before, Silvio Berlusconi too had a similar face surgery.

I for one, think that a government that is concerned about its image has to be more receptive to the country's image. Something about national pride and all that (not 'The Emperor's New Clothes').

Check out if a face lift procedure is something your image is in need of at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.

1 comment:

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