When the word botox is mentioned the first things that generally pops to mind is the cosmetic of choice that is a favorite among socialites, housewives and businessmen alike.
When its many benefits were first discovered, early physicians put it to good use to treat eye disorders, spasms in the eyes and neck regions and cranial nerve disorders. Cosmetic surgery today uses botox to treat all these and more areas of the body.
The primary use of botox is for smoothening wrinkles in the facial muscles by paralyzing the muscles in a controlled manner. The ease and speed with which plastic surgeons and cosmetologists administer botox have made it the most popular noninvasive cosmetic procedure.
You can ask your plastic surgeon to administer botox treatments instead of performing face surgery procedures like eyelid surgery and face implants. The effects are short-lived however and call for a repeat if you want to maintain the look.
Face lift surgery doctors today caution patients about botox treatments as recently some cases that displayed adverse effects of botulinum toxin treatments were revealed. Respiratory interference was reported in these cases calling for a review of the cosmetic by the FDA.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we are very much aware of the potential complications that are known to arise out of any cosmetic surgery procedure like face lift surgery. A botox treatment is not just a lunchtime treatment for us, and our attitude towards it is anything but lax.