This woman has the power to make fashion statements or discard them and is one half of a British power couple known as ‘The Beckhams’. Three strapping lads, a million dollar bank account, an elite friend circle and a fashion label…
… so why does Victoria Beckham aka Posh always look so glum?
The answer may lie in the various face surgery jobs she is rumored to have time and again to preserve that perfectly chiseled look. The 34-year-old Mrs. Beckham, it is believed, spends a tidy sum to keep her lips properly pouty with fillers like Juvéderm and collagen injections.
Her cheeks, it is speculated, have been sculpted through a buccal fat removal procedure which removes unwanted subcutaneous fat and shifts the cheek muscles into the desired contour. This cosmetic surgery procedure is a popular option with people who want to have a face lift surgery that will lighten the volume in the mid-face region.
But however plausible this explanation may be, I refuse to believe that a facelift can influence her facial movements so much as to make her look permanently smirking or wooden. In a recent interview Posh says that it’s just the way she is and that she’s thinking of changing her image now that she is staying in the States.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California really hopes she sticks to this resolution as we think she looks lovely when she flashes her rare smiles.
For cool deals on face lift surgery and face implant surgery get in touch with our advanced surgical institute.
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