Monday, May 26, 2008

Face Lift Surgery Concern No.1 – Unhappiness With The Result

Richard Goode has a first-rate solution for this problem which many face surgery doctors face at one point of time or another in their career (sometimes very often).

Goode, a professor of otolaryngology at Stanford advises his fellow surgeons to simply not operate on such a patient. Of course, the plastic surgeon has to identify such a patient first, he adds.

In his article for the May issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Goode relates the way in which cosmetic face surgery and face lift doctors can do this as well. Check out a brief of his ruminations out here.

We agree with Goode on this point- ‘the key to avoiding the patient with unrealistic expectations, or those with obsessions with imagined physical defects, is to use the initial interview as an effective screening process’. Not surprisingly, many cosmetic surgeons will swear by the effectiveness of this step in the face surgery procedure.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, we have the very best of face lift surgery consultants and cosmetic surgeons to address your cosmetic facial enhancement needs.

And oh, we love to follow up on our patients post-surgery as well. This helps us stay updated on the face lift patient’s recovery progress, especially if the patient had a difficult time during surgery.

Nonetheless, patients need to remember that no plastic surgery procedure can yield 100 percent results. The best results always have realistic expectations attached.

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