Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Face Lift Surgery To Look Feminine

I came across a very strange article in the Daily Mail yesterday which got me thinking about the hoopla surrounding transgenders and transsexuals.

A former Paratrooper in the British Paratrooper Regiment, Cpt. Ian Hamilton transformed himself into a woman with some select plastic surgery procedures. Today, it is Jan Hamilton who has established herself firmly as a woman in society.

Transgender cosmetic surgery involves painstaking work and a complete transformation of a human being from one gender to another. Cosmetic surgeons have been known to perform such procedures very successfully, but the surgeries are not without risk.

Thailand is considered to be the epicenter of such cosmetic surgery procedures with many transsexuals finding everything from genital surgery to a face lift surgery to eradicate their old gender completely and replace it with a different one.

Since the face is generally perceived to be a reference point for determining the sex of a person, cosmetic surgeons pay special attention during a face lift surgery. Incase of a man it takes considerable effort on part of the surgeon to shave, soften and alter the face to look more feminine.

In case of a female sex change, a face surgery procedure doesn’t involve much work and augmentation is largely depended upon to achieve the appearance of a heavier bone structure.

At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we listen to the candidate’s wishes first before giving our opinion on any face surgery or other cosmetic surgery. Our consultants are experienced and highly professional and will refer you a plastic surgeon who is equally understanding in outlook. Visit our advanced surgical institute if you need further help.

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