I put in a Google search for politicians who had a face lift and quite surprisingly a TV serial in new Zealand called Facelift popped up.
This show is not a plastic surgery based reality show or documentary though and instead is all about a comedy/parody that mimics politicians and celebrities in New Zealand.
Plastic surgery and politicians however are not inseparable, and in more recent years have become bolder in their cosmetic surgery choices.
Take Hillary Clinton, one-time senator in the running for United States president. She is highly speculated to have had a face lift surgery in a major style and image makeover. For a woman, she has been closely observed for her evolution from First Wife to presidential hopeful and aesthetically speaking, she was hardly founds wanting in the looks department.
Senator John Kerry, who lost to George Bush in 2004, is another politician who is believed to have changed for the better from his wrinkly former self thanks to a little help from Botox and a face lift surgery called brow lift surgery.
Further from home, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert too went in for a face lift surgery component like eyelid surgery last year and took a few years off his countenance. His Italian counterpart of a few years before, Silvio Berlusconi too had a similar face surgery.
I for one, think that a government that is concerned about its image has to be more receptive to the country's image. Something about national pride and all that (not 'The Emperor's New Clothes').
Check out if a face lift procedure is something your image is in need of at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Politicians And Face Lift – Taking Care Of The Government’s Image?
Face Lift Update: Johnson & Johnson Enters The Injectable Business
In a first-of-its-kind move, Johnson & Johnson, healthcare equipment and pharmaceuticals manufacturer has entered the dermal filler business and received permission from the FDA to market it.
Its new product Evolence is set to compete with old dermal filler stalwarts like Restylane and Juvederm and according to one spokesperson, could be offered at a similar or higher price than the rest. Another unique move associated with the product is the specialized training program offered by Johnson & Johnson to ensure proper administration.
Dermal fillers, a trusty face lift alternative, have been around for a long while now and Johnson & Johnson are set up against tough competition from the established brands. One point strongly against it is the use of porcine tendons in its manufacture.
Analysts point out that users prefer laboratory-made material for use as fillers in cosmetic surgery treatments. Additionally, Evolence has the staying power of only 6 months- same as the rest of the dermal fillers in the market.
It remains to be seen how the plastic surgery industry and patients will receive this new offering. The Plastic Surgery Institute of California, an advanced surgical institute offering face lift surgery and other cosmetic modifications has got its eyes open for Evolence.
Ronnie Wood: Aging Gracefully…Not!
There are some people who will fight tooth and nail to retain their youth- if not emotionally then physically so. One really good example of the latter is Toyah Wilcox, or better even, the much younger Jodie Marsh.
But Ronnie Wood, guitarist for the Rolling Stones definitely falls in the former category. If anyone needs the face lift surgery work the above two ladies have had, then its Ronnie Wood (or the entire RS group for that matter).
The 61-year-old has just got back into rehab for his alcoholism, but not before eloping with a nubile teenager and marrying off his 29-year-old daughter.
Compared to the still sexy 63-year-old Dame Helen Mirren (who, from all accounts, has so far stayed away from a face lift), Ronnie Wood is unfamiliar with the phrase 'aging gracefully'.
But a face lift is not for everybody, as can be seen from Kenny Rogers' (69) botched face lift surgery.
If you are a 60-something and are thinking of a face lift procedure or a face implant to enhance your face, you need a cosmetic surgeon who knows how to enhance an aging face with skill and expertise. Drop by the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for a consult and we will take it from there.
Can You Trust A Nurse For Your Shot Of Botox?
Most of us have encountered a nurse at least once in our life. It could have been when you went to pull out your loose tooth when you were a candy-loving tot or while pacing the waiting room waiting for your child to be delivered.
However much we rely on nurses as a sounding board or a link to doctors and physicians, it is inconceivable to see them assuming these roles. The main reason for this point of view being, they are simply not qualified to carry out angioplasty or a leg amputation.
The nurse's role is primarily an assisting one and when they begin substituting the qualified and certified surgeons they are supposed to assist, it is something to beware.
Plastic Surgery 101 had this frightening picture of a completely unprofessional setup and it immediately brought to my mind something I came across on Injectable Safety.
According to a recent statement made by the group of physicians that are part of this organization, nurses in a cosmetic surgery setup can administer injectable fillers only when they are "under the supervision of a board certified plastic surgeon, facial plastic surgeon, ophthalmic plastic surgeon or dermatologist who has prescribed the injectable treatment appropriate for the patient."
While nurses cannot perform a regular face lift or other plastic surgery procedures, they can be trusted with certain minor treatments like dermal fillers. Check out what Injectable Safety has to say about this.
On the other hand, we do have board certified cosmetic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for the treatment and administration of any cosmetic surgery procedures. Visit us to know more about our policies and procedures on face lift surgery.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Face Your Own Face With Confidence & Face Lift Surgery
If you are like me then the first thing you probably do when you wake up in the morning is glance in the mirror. While on most days my reflection tends to be rather agreeable, there are certainly some days where I simply can't bear to look at myself.
I'm sure all of you would agree with this feeling.
But what if day after day, the image that stares back at you dissatisfies you for some reason or another? It could be a few wrinkles here a droopy, oily nose there, it could be anything.
If you would rather improve this situation you could give some thought to a face lift procedure.
Combine it with treatments like microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, filler treatments, etc. and you could find a fantastic solution to your grief.
Face lift surgery can do wonders for your confidence as well- just like it does for numerous men and women who have a face lift procedure for their professional, personal and social lives.
The cosmetic surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California however suggest you take a step towards a face lift surgery because you want it for yourself. Visit us for an appointment at our advanced surgical institute.
The Ugly Fight Against Beauty Booster Botox
Earlier this month, a group of Botox users slapped a lawsuit on Allergan Inc. claiming that the injectable injured some and even lead to the death of some users. They claimed that Allergen failed to inform the candidates about these effects and this negligence lead to such situations.
In February this year, the FDA issued a warning about the potential ill-effects of the cosmetic derived from botulinum toxin Type A after noticing debilitating problems among children who were administered with a dose for treating cerebral palsy and spasticity.
Sadly, this could be a bad thing for men and women who turn to Botox cosmetic or Myobloc (similar product) to reduce facial wrinkling and view it as an alternative to a cosmetic surgery like face lift.
The FDA however, is looking into the matter and hopefully will smoothen out things for this injectable. The benefits of Botox are many and varied, the effects ranging from duplicating a face lift surgery's effects (temporarily) to assisting in neurological conditions.
That said it is important to remember that no surgery or cosmetic enhancement is 100 percent safe, anomalies can and have been known to occur. The best plastic surgeons can do is reduce the chances of anything going wrong, like how we do at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.
Get in touch with our advanced surgical institute to know more about face lift procedures and face implant alternatives.
Monday, June 30, 2008
The Face Lift You Don’t Need To Have An Operation For
Isn't it amazing how many innovations medical science comes up with? For the plastic surgery sector especially, there are newer and better ways being discovered to reduce pain and make the entire surgery process shorter. Lasers, external prosthetics, etc. are the most recent advancements in this area.
The latest innovation to join this list is LiftMagic, the first website of its kind to give instant cosmetic surgery results.
Largely focusing on the facial appearance, all you have to do is upload a picture of you on this site. Using a special algorithm (formula), the site then enhances or reduces different parts of the face. Users can also adjust the percent of change they want in any particular area.
So there you have it, a completely painless face lift.
While critics point out that the weight reduction option will send off wrong signals to weight-conscious adolescents, the founders behind the site maintain that LiftMagic is simply a convenient way to view a face lift surgery or weight loss result.
In my opinion, the site offers potential face lift and face implant candidates the chance to adjust to the results of a cosmetic modification. Based on this they can consult with their cosmetic surgeon and get advice on the degree of change that is actually required.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California insists on educating patients before they undertake any plastic surgery procedure they wish to undertake. An educated patient is a satisfied patient.
Botox Bandit Finally Caught
If you wanted a clear sign that times are bad for the American dollar, this is it.
A woman in Florida who skipped out on her Botox treatment payment and has been on the run ever since last week has been finally caught up with by the police. This is probably the first person to con a plastic surgeon for payment on a Botox treatment according to them.
While the doctor is partly to blame for this steal- he did not screen the patient properly before treatment, he certainly cannot be held responsible for the way the patient behaved.
The woman registered under a fake name at the plastic surgery clinic and claimed to be a resident of another state. This is not an uncommon occurrence as many people go for a face lift or cosmetic surgery vacation to another locality.
Strangely enough 23-year-old Kellie Thomas is more concerned about her boyfriend finding out about her face lift procedure (Botox is usually considered a face surgery treatment constituent) and less about her theft!
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California makes sure to screen its patients before procedures like face lift surgery or even a Botox treatment. Experienced consultants establish the financial ability of a patient to pay off the treatment of any enhancement/correction procedure before proceeding with it.
Our advanced surgical institute can help you budgetize your face lift surgery. Give us a call to know more.
Face Surgery And Anesthesia – Now More Pain
A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that post-surgery pain heightens if the cosmetic surgery patient has been introduced to general anesthesia.
A procedure like face lift surgery often calls for the doctor to employ complex techniques to reconstruct the patient's face. In reconstructive face lift surgery especially there is often a combination of cosmetic surgery procedures executed to get the desired changes.
Cosmetic surgeons administer general anesthesia if this is the case allowing them to conduct the face surgery or face implant operation while the patient is unconscious.
The research conducted on rats discovered that the chemically irritating anesthesia drugs commonly integrated in general anesthesia can cause pain-sensing nerves strong sensitivity and inflammation.
Most patients will shudder at that and tell their face lift surgeon to use local anesthesia for their plastic surgery. However, it would do to remember that the type of anesthesia employed is not up to the patient to decide.
The plastic surgeon in consultation with the anesthesiologist decides upon this step. They generally base their decision on the complexity of the surgery involved and the tolerance of the patient to the chemicals.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we take especial care of this step and evaluate patients accordingly before their face lift procedure. Find additional help at our advanced surgical institute.
Face Surgery Poster Girl – Debbie Harry
This is undoubtedly the biggest testimonial to the benefits of a cosmetic surgery procedure like face lift surgery.
I grew up listening to Blondie and one of the things I enjoyed the most about the band was the lead singer Debbie Harry who was the perfect embodiment of a waif trapped in a body made to ogle. Her strange getups and body language somehow complemented her voice which if I could describe in word would be called 'sweet'.
Debbie has grown up a lot now and is almost 63 but is far from an aging dowager put to pasture. She looks absolutely stunning and ready to give her younger counterparts stiff competition with a face that has been revamped to the last wrinkle.
Face lift surgery could very well be the culprit responsible for Debbie Harris' new look more than the mandatory diet, exercise and workout mantra that are usually touted. Let's see how long Debbie takes to admit to her face lift procedure.
Not an unusual procedure for people over 50, a face lift is a plastic surgery treat that bestows incredible tone and volume (if the face lacks it) to a person's face. Additionally, there is no age limit for the treatment and men and women of a younger age group can also have a face lift or a face implant procedure.
Older patients however have skin that is more delicate, and manipulating it along with the underlying muscles calls for considerable expertise and skill- two things you can expect at our advanced surgical institute.
Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to know more.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Is A New Husband Better Than A Face Lift?
They probably are, but Jerry Hall has gone on record to make such a statement.
The former model and wife of Rolling Stones singer Mick Jagger is vehemently against cosmetic enhancement of any kind. According to her, “Cosmetic surgery never looked good and women who had procedures done look weird.”
In another interview Jerry also mentions that the idea of a young face and a wrinkly body is completely gross. Seems to me she should have stuck with Mick given his super-wrinkly skin which happens to match the rest of his body.
But if there’s one thing Jerry Hall doesn’t want then it’s her daughters dating bad rock star types like Jagger. Protective mother this one.
For a 51-something woman Jerry doesn’t look like she’s shunning cosmetic surgery altogether. Her model body is trim and svelte and her face is remarkably smooth. Jerry sure looks like she indulges in a little filler treatment every now and then.
Though we doubt she had a major face lift surgery, there is a possibility of her going in for a mini face lift which presents similar results and works on a smaller area. One could almost be thankful for the foresight with which she has preserved her face compared to her crinkled ex-husband. Don’t you think so?
Get to know how a face lift or a face implant can help you at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Face Lift Surgery Paragon – Toyah Wilcox
Toyah Wilcox is still the zany pop-punk princess she was all those years ago (the 80’s especially) and never fails to miss a chance to shock. Unlike many of her glam counterparts, she has not given up on her looks. Neither has she let her plastic surgeon go berserk on her face.
The face lift surgery she had without her husband’s knowledge stands testimony to her makeover and her un-50-like looks. While the tell-tale signs of aging can be seen just lurking around a faint wrinkle, Toyah’s face is far from crinkled with them.
Toyah was responsible for many of the looks which can be seen in pop and punk divas today with her fluorescent hairdos and extreme makeup. Regardless of her flamboyant attitude towards personal enhancement, Wilcox claims her wish for a face lift procedure was planted after Jonathan Ross commented on her looks.
But Toyah is far from being a cosmetic surgery junkie and rather than going ahead with her tummy tuck and breast reduction surgery on her own, this time she says she will get her husband’s approval.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we approve women taking their own decisions when it comes to face lift or any other cosmetic surgery. Consulting your dear ones and taking their suggestions wouldn’t hurt though and would help significantly in the adjustment process post-surgery.
Friday, June 13, 2008
Facial Paralysis & Botulinum Toxin
Each year 25 out of 100,000 individuals are diagnosed with a condition called Bell’s palsy. This disorder makes up for 75 percent of the total incidents of facial paralysis- a number that cannot be ignored by any account.
The causes of facial paralysis are different and the treatment of each case is sorely dependent on the cause of the paralysis.
Factors range from brain tumors to infections and strokes and recovery from the condition is often prolonged. Plastic surgery has made a lot of advances towards treating facial paralysis with help from various face surgery techniques.
Last year surgeons in the
Controlled administrations of Botulinum toxin or botox are also considered an excellent face surgery method for patients suffering from this disorder. The technique made headway when researchers found that a combination of Botox and facial exercises could reorganize those parts of the brain responsible for facial mobility.
Research is still on for treating facial paralysis though and each day new discoveries and studies turn up rays of hope for those patients suffering from a severe case. Visit the Plastic Surgery Institute of California for more help with face lift surgery.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
A Transformed Face – It Can Be Yours!
As we begin to age certain parts of our face tend to droop and develop wrinkles. When beauty cosmetics and
Step in plastic surgery with all its fascinating age-reducing options like face lift (rhytidectomy) and nose surgery. Aging, thanks to the renewed efforts of cosmetic surgeons, has been busted.
In the
Face lift surgery procedures are obviously more popular amongst celebrities since their paychecks revolve around the quality of their looks which in turn reflects on their on-screen appearance. Most of the people who opt for a face lift opt for a mini face lift as it shows noticeable changes and takes comparatively less time to heal.
Undergoing any kind of body transformation needs proper guidance. Decisions related to any sort of plastic surgery procedure should be taken by the face lift candidate only after proper knowledge of the procedure and its disadvantages. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California you can find consultants who can help you out with your decision of having a facelift surgery.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Amanda Holden’s Got A Clear Face
For a 37-year-old, Amanda Holden looks remarkably young and pretty.
Thanks to a recent newsbyte everybody is in on Amanda’s secret and knows that she owes her smooth-faced look to some slick cosmetic surgery work. The TV star came clean on her beauty secrets when she confessed to having Botox injections while shooting in sunny
Amanda, one of the judges on Britain’s Got Talent first gained notoriety for her difficult split from her first husband Les Dennis. From the look of things she seems to have got her life back on track with a marriage with the father of her child on the cards.
The bytes she gave recently about her plastic surgery help are something of an about-face given her previous claims to maintaining her youthful looks by makeup and diets.
Subtle use of Botox and similar injectables can accomplish results that are generally attainable with a face lift. The cosmetic surgeon however has to be experienced with administering the injectable, or else the effect will not be that stunning.
Surgeons at the Plastic Surgery Institute of California study a patient’s face carefully if a face lift surgery alternative like Botox is requested. This not only allows administration of the filler in places that warrant it but also allow its application in the right proportion.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
Forty-four-year-old Face Lift Televised To Lift Cosmetic Surgery
The Great Dane is out on a mission and there’s no stopping her.
For a woman who has been tagged to and in some cases married ‘heavyweights’, Brigitte Nielson has always got what she wanted. This time it is the plastic surgery message she wants to get across to the masses and German television network RTL is going to make her wish come true.
With her towering height of 6 foot1, a big boned frame and Slavic looks to match, Brigitte stormed the movie screens with her penchant for dominatrix-style roles. She makes for a contrasting figure with her curvy body and nearly androgynous looks.
A face lift surgery for her age (44) is common behavior though as many men and women opt for one in their mid-forties. For many women this age is quite a turning point as the biological clock gains momentum and starts ticking louder.
In 2007 alone, the ASPS noticed 37,400 face lift procedures performed by men and women between the age span of 40 and 54. This was the age-group that exhibited the second highest rate of face lift surgery, the highest being the 55 and over age-group with 78,765 procedures performed.
Brigitte just might need some heavy face lift work performed on her though as a lifestyle of too much cigarette, alcohol and bad skin care seem to have left their mark on her. Her skin might need additional microdermabrasion and injectable fillers to get the glow back.
Get in touch with the Plastic Surgery Institute of California to know what your face lift surgery options are.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
How Good Is Your Botox Knowledge?
When the word botox is mentioned the first things that generally pops to mind is the cosmetic of choice that is a favorite among socialites, housewives and businessmen alike.
When its many benefits were first discovered, early physicians put it to good use to treat eye disorders, spasms in the eyes and neck regions and cranial nerve disorders. Cosmetic surgery today uses botox to treat all these and more areas of the body.
The primary use of botox is for smoothening wrinkles in the facial muscles by paralyzing the muscles in a controlled manner. The ease and speed with which plastic surgeons and cosmetologists administer botox have made it the most popular noninvasive cosmetic procedure.
You can ask your plastic surgeon to administer botox treatments instead of performing face surgery procedures like eyelid surgery and face implants. The effects are short-lived however and call for a repeat if you want to maintain the look.
Face lift surgery doctors today caution patients about botox treatments as recently some cases that displayed adverse effects of botulinum toxin treatments were revealed. Respiratory interference was reported in these cases calling for a review of the cosmetic by the FDA.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we are very much aware of the potential complications that are known to arise out of any cosmetic surgery procedure like face lift surgery. A botox treatment is not just a lunchtime treatment for us, and our attitude towards it is anything but lax.
A Face Lift Surgery To Look Feminine
I came across a very strange article in the Daily Mail yesterday which got me thinking about the hoopla surrounding transgenders and transsexuals.
Transgender cosmetic surgery involves painstaking work and a complete transformation of a human being from one gender to another. Cosmetic surgeons have been known to perform such procedures very successfully, but the surgeries are not without risk.
Since the face is generally perceived to be a reference point for determining the sex of a person, cosmetic surgeons pay special attention during a face lift surgery. Incase of a man it takes considerable effort on part of the surgeon to shave, soften and alter the face to look more feminine.
In case of a female sex change, a face surgery procedure doesn’t involve much work and augmentation is largely depended upon to achieve the appearance of a heavier bone structure.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we listen to the candidate’s wishes first before giving our opinion on any face surgery or other cosmetic surgery. Our consultants are experienced and highly professional and will refer you a plastic surgeon who is equally understanding in outlook. Visit our advanced surgical institute if you need further help.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Face Surgery Loves – Plump Jennifer Hudson
Sex and the City has released in the States people!
While I can’t get over the onslaught of clothes, purses, shoes and food in the movie watching Jennifer Hudson emote is making me sit up and take notice. But I’m not the only one.
When the sex-octave singer bagged the role of Effie in Dreamgirls, she beat 800 actors and dazzled the audiences with her character, making ShoWest name her the “Female Star of Tomorrow” in 2006. With her role as Louise in SATC she brings a younger element to a movie about 40-something characters.
The best thing about
African-American women have a lot going for them look-wise with a skin-tone that includes a range of chocolate-colored shades. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we advise women of African-American ethnicity to enhance their facial features rather than change them to fit Caucasian standards.
A face lift surgery is a better alternative though as the cosmetic surgeon can enhance your different facial features gradually and proportionately.
To get fuller cheeks on the other hand, you can ask your surgeon about a fat transfer surgery to aid your face lift. More on this later.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Get Dimples In Your Cheeks When You Smile After Your Face Surgery
Some people are just blessed with cheek dimples that last till after they lose the baby fat while a lot lose theirs soon. A small number have it on a single cheek adding oodles to their facial charm.
A dimple creation face surgery procedure is a great way to acquire dimples the artificial way. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we usually offer this procedure as part of our face lift surgery procedure or any other cosmetic surgery.
Cosmetic surgeons at our advanced surgical institute can create dimples in the cheek in an outpatient surgery that takes less than an hour to perform. But this is for an independent surgery.
When combined with a face lift surgery, the duration is longer and also entails a lengthier recovery period. Getting a cheek dimple creation surgery alongside a face lift surgery however can allow the plastic surgeon to work on the overall appearance of the face.
You can go in for deep prominent dimples like the ones Indian actress Preity Zinta has or tiny ones like Kirsten Dunst (Spiderman fame). Jennifer Garner too has got lovely dimples that would look good against a sleek fine boned face.
For men there is Matthew McConnaughy who can carry dimpled cheeks without looking feminine. Funny man Eddie Murphy too has a nice pair and how can I forget the intelligent almost hollow dimples Johnny Depp flaunts. The choices are fascinating!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Pearly Sheen For Your Face – Cosmetic Surgery Help
Lasers have established an indomitable presence in the cosmetic surgery business and have helped plastic surgeons set right everything from hair removal to eyelid surgery and fat reduction.
Cutera’s Pearl Laser is a step forward in cosmetic laser treatments for the face and is a marvelous plastic surgery option for those looking for a less painful facial beauty treatment. The laser is supposed to penetrate deep into the skin of the face surgery candidate and stimulate collagen growth.
This subcutaneous collagen growth allows the facial skin to rise and lends a healthy glow from within the face. The results of laser treatments like the Pearl Laser is facial skin that is visibly blemish-free and recovers from treatment faster and is gentler then the rest of the lasers available.
For a patient who wants help with taking care of wrinkles this cosmetic face lift surgery treatment is remarkable less-invasive. The results however, last for less time than a face lift. The Pearl Laser’s results last for 1-2 months while face lift surgery can last for years.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we offer the very best in advanced face lift surgery and care. Get in touch with our experts for clever ways to get the look while cheating on the discomfort factor.
Cosmetic Face Implant Surgery Fiasco For Australia’s Next Top Model
While the current America’s Next Top Model Whitney Thompson is making waves with her stance on full-figured women, a participant on the Australian leg of the show is creating a hubbub with her cosmetic surgery forays.
Alex Girdwood, 20 and a contestant fighting for the crown on Australia’s Next Top Model had collagen injectables pumped into her lips to make them plumper. When the judges and the panel of experts found out about Alex’s plastic surgery attempts needless to say, they were left shocked.
Says Priscilla Leighton-Clarke, the modeling agent responsible for granting the winner the one-year contract, “My line on cosmetic surgery when it comes to young, beautiful girls is leave it well alone”. She goes on to add, “I would never encourage any of my models to have plastic surgery and none of them do - except for one who is in her 30s”.
A lip augmentation treatment is often offered as an element of face lift surgery procedures and results in lips that are plumper then before. Collagen fillers and silicone lip implants are very popular among those in the beauty and glamour business because of the near-perfect pout that it lends.
Many a photograph has been enhanced through face lift and careful Botox use more than it has been via photoshop. But for an aspiring model who has already got past the selection phase of a tough show like Top Model, it is a sign of the mounting pressure laid on the young for physical perfection.
What are your views on Alex’s decision? Do you think she ought to have had a face surgery procedure like lip augmentation? Let the Plastic Surgery Institute of California know.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Face Lift Surgery Concern No.1 – Unhappiness With The Result
Richard Goode has a first-rate solution for this problem which many face surgery doctors face at one point of time or another in their career (sometimes very often).
Goode, a professor of otolaryngology at Stanford advises his fellow surgeons to simply not operate on such a patient. Of course, the plastic surgeon has to identify such a patient first, he adds.
In his article for the May issue of Facial Plastic Surgery Clinics of North America, Goode relates the way in which cosmetic face surgery and face lift doctors can do this as well. Check out a brief of his ruminations out here.
We agree with Goode on this point- ‘the key to avoiding the patient with unrealistic expectations, or those with obsessions with imagined physical defects, is to use the initial interview as an effective screening process’. Not surprisingly, many cosmetic surgeons will swear by the effectiveness of this step in the face surgery procedure.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California, we have the very best of face lift surgery consultants and cosmetic surgeons to address your cosmetic facial enhancement needs.
And oh, we love to follow up on our patients post-surgery as well. This helps us stay updated on the face lift patient’s recovery progress, especially if the patient had a difficult time during surgery.
Nonetheless, patients need to remember that no plastic surgery procedure can yield 100 percent results. The best results always have realistic expectations attached.
A High Couture Face Lift Surgery Job
Wish Donatella’s face matched her choice of clothing (I’ve never seen her look so ladylike!) at this year’s Cannes Film Festival.
The fashion house Versace has always been one of the more reputed names in the world of high couture. And Donatella as the boss of this multi-million house has definitely been excused for flaunting her flamboyant image over the years.
But the face lift surgery and various body modifications she is believed to have had over the years have always managed to raise eyebrows. From eyelid surgery to a rhinoplasty and a total face lift, she has completely transformed herself from the woman she was when her brother Gianni was alive and in business.
Frequently, face lift surgery is accompanied by other cosmetic surgery procedures as plastic surgeons can get better results. But the key point to remember is that the plastic surgeon doing the job has to be extremely competent with face surgery. This doesn’t seem to be the case in Donatella’s situation.
It wouldn’t hurt to have realistic expectations either.
At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we closely analyze the potential patient’s facial structures before considering his or her suitability for a face lift surgery or a procedure involving face implants.
Harriet Has Grown Up Into A Face Lift Surgeon’s Dream
Michele Trachtenberg is all woman now and by stepping into Georgina Sparks shoes on Gossip Girl, she means business.
So when I seen her new avatar at the Costume Institute Gala, I was more than pleased to see the transformation from Buffy’s younger sis to style diva. Her facial features have bloomed without losing out on the fresh innocent look she stepped into filmdom with.
I got thinking… a person getting a face lift surgery to get features similar to hers would turn out to be quite a dazzler. Big doe eyes, lush lips, a nice button of a nose, plumped out cheeks, (wow) she has it all!
A face lift surgery would also be able to tighten up a brow that has been sagging due to loose skin. For a peachy-porcelain complexion like Michel’s you can have an additional chemical peel treatment which will skim off the dead skin and bring out skin that’s glowing and fresh. It would be a good way to polish off the plastic surgery procedure (though you can’t do it immediately after).
For a similar cosmetic face lift in Beverly Hills,
Book an appointment with us why don’t you…
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Know Your Face Better Before You Have A Face Lift Surgery
Now here’s something interesting.
I came across a back issue of Science Daily today and read a study which claims that small children are more sensitive to the human face than the human body. While they recognize the former right from birth, they do not recognize the latter until they are two-years-old.
Now that would be a right mess to fix if the mom or dad had a facelift surgery or a similar major alteration in facial appearance during this tender age!
During the course of the average human’s life though, the face undergoes a lot of changes. You may look stunning at 28 but you might have been rather dorky when you were 11. All you can do is pray that you have inherited some good genes hiding somewhere in the family tree.
Or else you can have a plastic surgery procedure like face surgery and do some minor (or major) rearranging of your facial appearance. Face lift surgery specialists examine the facial structure of the patient before suggesting any type of modification.
The texture of the patient’s skin, complexion, elasticity levels and severity of wrinkling are face components that play a major role during evaluation for a facelift procedure. At the Plastic Surgery Institute of California we even provide advice on additional cosmetic surgery which can complement a face lift surgery.
Get in touch with our advanced surgical institute to know more about the possibilities you have.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Why Posh Is Happy Yet Looks Unhappy
This woman has the power to make fashion statements or discard them and is one half of a British power couple known as ‘The Beckhams’. Three strapping lads, a million dollar bank account, an elite friend circle and a fashion label…
… so why does Victoria Beckham aka Posh always look so glum?
The answer may lie in the various face surgery jobs she is rumored to have time and again to preserve that perfectly chiseled look. The 34-year-old Mrs. Beckham, it is believed, spends a tidy sum to keep her lips properly pouty with fillers like Juvéderm and collagen injections.
Her cheeks, it is speculated, have been sculpted through a buccal fat removal procedure which removes unwanted subcutaneous fat and shifts the cheek muscles into the desired contour. This cosmetic surgery procedure is a popular option with people who want to have a face lift surgery that will lighten the volume in the mid-face region.
But however plausible this explanation may be, I refuse to believe that a facelift can influence her facial movements so much as to make her look permanently smirking or wooden. In a recent interview Posh says that it’s just the way she is and that she’s thinking of changing her image now that she is staying in the States.
The Plastic Surgery Institute of California really hopes she sticks to this resolution as we think she looks lovely when she flashes her rare smiles.
For cool deals on face lift surgery and face implant surgery get in touch with our advanced surgical institute.